
Public offer

on the conclusion of a contract for the retail sale of goods based on samples outside a retail facility on the Internet

Brest city, Republic of Belarus

Magpochtbay LLC, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", represented by the director of Kruk Vladimir On the one hand, and an individual, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer", on the other hand, and together referred to as the "Parties", have concluded this Agreement on the following:

For the purposes of this Agreement, the terms and their definitions in values established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the following terms and their definitions:

Seller - LLC "Magpochtbay", registered in the Unified State Register legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of the Republic of Belarus (UNP 291665670) and selling goods to customers under a retail agreement purchase and sale.

Buyer - a capable individual who places orders and purchases goods from A seller through an online store for their personal, family, household and other needs.

Online store - legally owned To the seller, a trading platform located on the domains of the site on which posted information about the goods, the seller, allowing you to make a choice, order and purchase of goods.

Website - a set of information resources hosted on the Internet on the regional domain {SITE}. The site belongs to the seller and is administered by the latter.

Offer - a proposal addressed to one or more specific persons that quite definitely and expresses the intention of the person who made the offer, consider yourself to have concluded a contract with the addressee, who will accept proposal.

Acceptance - the response of the person to whom the Offer is addressed, about its acceptance. The acceptance must be complete and unconditional.

Contract - agreement between the Seller and the Buyer on the purchase and sale of goods outside the shopping facility, concluded by accepting the Offer.

Order - a request sent in the form established by the seller via the network Internet for the purchase of goods selected in the online store and its delivery at the address specified in the request. Confirmation of acceptance of the order for execution by the seller is an Acceptance of the Offer. The notification received by the Buyer about placing an order in the Online store is not an Acceptance.

Product – a piece of clothing, accessory or other material value presented by for sale on the Website.

Registration on the Website or Registration - implementation by the Buyer of certain actions that allow to carry out his identification among other buyers of the seller in the online store.

Personal account - the Site page located at: {SITE}, which displays information about the customer's orders.


1.1. This agreement is a contract for the retail sale of goods based on samples outside the retail facility by providing descriptions of goods in The Seller's online store on the regional domain {SITE}, on the global computer network Internet.

This agreement, concluded in the form of Acceptance of the Offer, is drawn up in in accordance with paragraph 2 of Chapter 30 of the Civil Code of the Republic Belarus ("Retail purchase and sale"), other regulatory legal acts The Republic of Belarus, regulating the issues of retail purchase and sale, does not requires a two-way signature and is valid electronically, has full legal force.

The law of the Republic of Belarus applies to the relations of the parties.

1.2. When ordering goods through the online store, the buyer accepts and agrees to all the conditions set forth in this Agreement, and with information posted on the Website at the time the seller accepts the order.

The use of the Site implies mandatory full and unconditional the Buyer's consent to this Offer, without any reservations and (or) exceptions from it, otherwise the Buyer will not be provided with the possibility of making requests for goods.

1.3. This Agreement is considered concluded from the moment the Seller confirms acceptance of the Buyer's placed order for execution (the basis : Article 411 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus).

1.4. This public Agreement is recognized as concluded at the location of the legal entity that sent the Offer.

1.5. The place of execution of this Agreement should be considered the location of the Seller.

1.6. Each Party guarantees to the other Party that it has the relevant right and a sufficient amount of legal capacity, as well as all other rights and powers necessary for the conclusion and execution of this Agreement.

1.7. The Seller reserves the right to make changes to this The contract and information in the Online store unilaterally, in connection with what the Buyer undertakes at the time of contacting the Seller with the order for the goods consider possible changes. Changes and (or) additions to the this Agreement shall enter into force on the day of their publication in Online store. Changes and (or) additions made to this The contract in connection with the change of the current legislation, come into force simultaneously with the entry into force of changes in these acts legislation.

1.8. The amount of this public Agreement is less than 4000 basic the values established in the Republic of Belarus on the date of placing the order, then is on the date of acceptance of this offer by the Buyer.


2.1. Under this Contract of retail sale of goods according to samples outside a merchant engaged in entrepreneurial activity for the sale of goods at retail, undertakes to transfer to the Buyer the ordered in Online store goods intended for personal, family, home or other use, not related to entrepreneurial activity, which corresponds to its sample or description, the quality of which and prices correspond to the information provided to the Buyer in the Online store The Seller, and the Buyer undertakes to make the payment and accept the goods in in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


3.1. The Seller is obliged in accordance with the current legislation The Republic of Belarus in a timely manner in an accessible form to inform The buyer needs the necessary and reliable information about the goods, providing the possibility of choosing the right products.

3.2. The goods under this Agreement are the products of Belarusian manufacturers posted on the website of the Online store. Seller provides the following basic information for each product: name, model, article, size, as well as an image of the product. Product information is taken from reliable sources, mainly from official websites of manufacturers of goods. However, manufacturers of goods always reserve the right to change the completeness, appearance, warranty periods and other characteristics of the product without wide notification of consumers. In this regard, the Buyer needs to clarify before ordering the most important characteristics and properties of the product from managers Online store.

3.3. The product samples are presented on the Website in photos in which the image of the product, it is possible, may not display their real appearance type and properties (color, shape, etc.) due to the fact that the buyer's monitor it may distort the color and appearance of the clothing model, and other reasons. The difference between the type and the shades of the color scheme of the product from those stated in the description on the Website are not refers to the shortcomings of the product and cannot be attributed to the product of improper characteristics.

If the Buyer has any questions regarding the description, properties and the characteristics of the goods, before placing an order, the buyer can contact the Seller at the phone number indicated on the website of the online store or send an e-mail using the suggested form in the "Contacts" section on the Seller's online store website.

3.4. The product presented on the website complies with technical regulations, state standards (GOST), technical specifications (TU), Technical regulations of the Customs Union, Technical Regulations of the EAEU in force in in relation to the goods, ensures the safety of consumers' health, meets requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the country the buyer's stay requirements for the product.


4.1. The Buyer has the right to submit an order for the purchase of goods (goods) in unlimited quantities at retail and wholesale prices displayed on on the website of the online store, on the terms of a preliminary 100% payment for them the cost and payment of delivery are at the expense of the Buyer.

The Seller has the right to change the retail/wholesale price and quantity of goods for the order unilaterally, as the Seller informs The buyer by posting information on the website of the online store, in messengers, social networks or when calling the buyer.

updated 13 May 2024 16:05